Friday, July 23, 2010

Angar Update...

I run a little thing called Jambalaya 2.o over on the UggaBugga message board and what it is basically is I give a subject for the week and participants draw the subject in question and post it so we can all have fun. This week's subject is to take an old, crappy character from comics history and make the current and even perhaps badass...

I chose Angar the Screamer, a turd from Marvel Comics past. He was a hippie who could scream and make people hallucinate. Stupid right?

As an update I took him out of the hippie culture... and placed him in a motorcycle gang. This way he gets to keep the power stache, but loses the fringe vest and long hair for a cool vest and some new tats. I hope the others have as much fun as I did.

To check out Jambalaya 2.0 for yourself... click here!

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